
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Christmas Time is Here!

Public Relations specialists know that Christmas can provide a bonanza of media coverage. Every media outlet, it seems is cranking out a special edition on gifts for the winter holidays. So, Christmas is the time to get ink for your product.

For many of these opportunities you need to be thinking at least six months out so that your product or service finds its way into the special sections. Magazines like BH&G or Woman's Day have long lead times, while newspapers, tv and radio have deadlines a few weeks from the holiday. And don't forget trade magazines that reach your wholesale customers. Electronic media typically will work closer to the actual holiday date. Another avenue to consider is syndicated columnists, who also have shorter lead times.

A great way to get coverage is to suggest a story idea into which your product or service fits. Think about the users as well as the use for your offering, and think about the publication and what their readers like. Best bet is to look at their editorial calendar.

So it is about to be May and 6 months is November and that’s when lots of Christmas gift sections shop up in publications. Best get going.

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